Dinner with Friends and Book Update

The big news out here this week is the outbreak of the swine flu. We all have flu shots, but they may be for the wrong flu. I hope we don’t have to wear masks like they’re doing in Mexico City.

On Sunday we went to dinner with a friend from Washington D.C. who still works at SAIC in nuclear weapons effects. His wife traveled out here with him to see their son graduate from Cal Western Law School. So six of us went to dinner at the Beach and Tennis Club. I learned that the Defense Threat Reduction Agency — formerly the Defense Nuclear Agency — is still alive and well and providing a vital function for the defense of our nation. This is the agency that gave me one of my first contracts after we started SAIC.

So far we have not found a publisher for the new book about the Internet and Network Solutions. If you have any ideas for us, I would like to hear them.

— Bob