Help Us Choose a Direction for the New Book

We’ve been grappling lately with the issue of whether or not we should write a book on the Network Solutions story and the role that SAIC and the government played in building the Internet at a crucial juncture in its history. This juncture was the transition of the Internet from public to private ownership. There are many lessons to be learned from that experience, such as how public/private partnerships work during the transition period, and how each party can help ensure their success. In the case of the Internet, DARPA and the other defense agencies played a major role in making that happen.

We do have another alternative, which is to write a big idea book. We have discussed this option with an agent, and we were told that this kind of book would be of greater interest to publishers. One possibility would be an in-depth look at cybersecurity — the current and future vulnerabilities and what should be done to address them. Another big idea book would be to consider how to revitalize the American industrial base.

In the past when we’ve had these sorts of decisions to make we have solicited the advice of our blog readers. I ask your help again. Which approach for the book would you find of greatest interest, enough to want to buy the book? Please let us know your opinion on this matter as soon as possible.

By the way, the #1 story of 2009 on San Diego’s website was The Untold Story of SAIC, Network Solutions, and the Rise of the Web. This tells me that there is some interest in the Network Solutions story.

Best wishes for a Happy New Year. I look forward to maintaining close communication with you during the next year. It has turned out to be very useful. And it’s been enjoyable to me personally to keep in touch with so many good friends and colleagues from years past.

— Bob