Looking Back, Looking Forward

As I look back over the year 2012, there was both good news and bad.

First the bad news. The candidate I wanted to win the Presidential election did not, which deeply disappointed me. I do think the Republican team was better than the current cast of characters that we will now have to live with for four more years.

The economy does not seem better to me, so I don’t know what Obama has been doing during his first term in office. With the current administration and Congress unable to reach a reasonable and long-term compromise on taxes and spending, I am afraid our nation is going to suffer economic uncertainty far into the future.

Finally, the news that SAIC would split into two separate companies was not the best news I heard in 2012. I hope the company and its employees do well in this coming transition, although I am concerned that this will not be the case.

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Fortunately there was also much good news in 2012. The FED continues to make good progress on the employee ownership front, most recently by way of the film We the Owners.

Mike Daniels and I finished writing our book on Network Solutions, and the second edition of The SAIC Solution is almost complete. It is my understanding that both books will be published in the first half of 2013.

I had a good trip to the University of Michigan, where I stopped by the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, met the new Beyster Fellow Chih-Chun Chia, and attended the football game against Michigan State.

I managed to keep busy with weekly meetings, field trips, and outings on my boat. Best of all, Betty and my family are well, for which I am grateful.

Looking ahead to 2013, I hope I can improve my health, which will allow me to take on some more-challenging adventures. I would like to take a long train trip through the Canadian Rockies with visits to Lake Louise and Banff this upcoming year. I also hope to be able to attend the America’s Cup in San Francisco Bay.

I would like to thank each of you for keeping in touch this past year via my blog. I enjoy hearing from my old friends and sharing stories and occasional visits. All best wishes for a happy and prosperous 2013.

— Bob