Moving the Book Forward

The team here is beginning to come together after a very active travel schedule. My daughter returned this weekend from the Galapagos Islands, and my caregivers seem to be back to work. The weather here in San Diego right now is beginning to remind me of the East Coast instead of Southern California. There are very strong winds and rain, with trees falling down and flooding in a number of areas. So far the weather hasn’t slowed me down very much, but I don’t think we’ll be taking the boat to Oceanside this week.

Thank you for your continuing feedback on the book. We have gotten some very good suggestions on what should be included from our blog readers. We will focus on moving the book forward during the next month or two. Some successful books have come out recently that were self-published. It may turn out that that is what we will have to do. If so, we’ll do it.

— Bob