Obama’s Job Plan, Republican Debate

As I write this post to my blog, the nation is anxiously awaiting President Obama’s speech on his new jobs plan. According to the reports I’ve seen about the speech, Obama is preparing a combination of things to prod the economy, including new tax cuts and additional spending on infrastructure projects. The previous attempts to stimulate the economy have apparently not had the desired result, and I personally have my doubts that this latest attempt will have any better result.

To solve our current economic problems, the government has to get out of the habit of spending its way out of trouble. Of course, this also means that the many benefactors of this spending will have to tighten their belts. I’ll be tuned in to see what Obama offers the nation.

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Although I missed watching Wednesday night’s Republican Presidential debate, I did hear that Rick Perry made an impressive showing early on. However, most analysts scored the overall debate as a win for Mitt Romney, with Michele Bachmann’s star being somewhat tarnished.

It’s still too early to call the race, but it seems that the field is narrowing down to Perry and Romney. We’ll see if that remains the case in future weeks.

— Bob