Of Earthquakes and Books

The highlight of this past week occurred Sunday, when we experienced a large earthquake in San Diego. The epicenter was actually located in Mexico near Mexicali, and the latest estimate is that it was a 7.2 magnitude quake. As a comparison, the January quake in Haiti was a 7.0 magnitude. Fortunately, the area where the earthquake occurred is not very populated and there was minimal damage on this side of the border. We haven’t had that big a shake in 15 years. It does make you think, though.

I have begun reading the books that Harry Lonsdale sent me. The first is about Bend Research, the pharmaceutical and health technology company Harry founded in Bend, Oregon. I’m partway through the book. It’s a fascinating story about how a technical guy had a good idea and built a successful business in the woods of Oregon.

I’m happy to be moving forward on the new book about Network Solutions. We have written the Introduction, and are now starting work on Chapter 1. I’m looking forward to hearing about your experiences during the NSI years.

— Bob