Dr. J. Robert Beyster’s Blogs

dr j. beysters blog
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Banking Industry, Molecular Genomics, and Catalina

Last week, on Wednesday, November 3rd, Mindy Pawinski, Robert Craig, and I went to the Beverly Hilton in Los Angeles to hear a dis...

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Network Solutions Book Update

We continue to make progress on the Network Solutions book. The draft manuscript is currently at the 50% mark and we should have a...

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National Intelligence Infrastructure and Motoring to Catalina

Many of you have probably seen Monday's Washington Post article on the current state of our national intelligence infrastructure. ...

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Obama’s Healthcare Bill and Sailing to Catalina

Before I go to bed at night, I usually watch CNBC. The last six months have been loaded with information on the new healthcare bil...

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Oceanographic Sampling Tours and My Birthday

Last week was a good one for me. On Tuesday my daughter Mary Ann and I met with Sedra Shapiro from the San Diego Foundation and Ma...

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