I am pleased to announce the formal release of our new book, The SAIC Solution: Built by Employee Owners. As most of you know, in ...
Dr. J. Robert Beyster’s Blogs

SAIC Solution, 2nd Edition; Stars and Stripes Ball
I was happy to receive a published copy of The SAIC Solution, 2nd Edition today. The book is now available to purchase on Amazon.c...
SAIC Solution Second Edition Cover
I was recently given a proof of the front and back covers to review for my upcoming book, The SAIC Solution 2nd Edition. I am plea...
Supporting Employee Ownership, Engineering, and the Sciences
I have been very pleased with the work that the Foundation for Enterprise Development is doing to promote the study of employee ow...
Raising Employee Ownership
I recently read an interesting article from Forbes.com that discusses employee ownership. I was very pleased to see that there is ...
Happy New Year
I hope you are all looking forward to the New Year like I am. It has been quite a year for me, but I still have much to do. I ...