Dr. J. Robert Beyster’s Blogs

dr j. beysters blog

Now Available: Names, Numbers, and Network Solutions

I am happy to announce that my book about Network Solutions written with Mike Daniels has been published and is now available for ...

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Birthday Thanks and Network Solutions Book Galley Proof

I would first like to thank everyone for your notes and messages and phone calls on my birthday. I am delighted to have lived long...

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Book Updates and U.S. Government Hacking

We are continuing to make progress with both the book on Network Solutions and the second edition of The SAIC Solution. We are cur...

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Book Updates, Boston Marathon Bombing

I was pleased to meet with Mike Daniels here in La Jolla a few weeks ago. He was here to discuss our progress on the Network Solut...

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Fragmented Internet and Super WiFi Networks

I was very interested to read an article in this week's Washington Post about Google CEO Eric Schmidt's belief that China will one...

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Looking Back, Looking Forward

As I look back over the year 2012, there was both good news and bad. First the bad news. The candidate I wanted to win the Pres...

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