Dr. J. Robert Beyster’s Blogs

dr j. beysters blog
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Update on Book Projects

I thought now might be a good time to bring everyone up to date on our book projects. We have completed the writing phase of the b...

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Confusion over Who Invented the Internet

I recently read an intriguing article in the Wall Street Journal titled "Who Really Invented the Internet?" As you may be aware, I...

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Reflecting on 2011

2011 has been quite an eventful year for me. I spent the first few weeks of January in and out of hospitals, but my health improve...

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Book Update, Day Trips, and Merry Christmas

We continue to make good progress on the Network Solutions book. The manuscript has been delivered to the publisher and they are b...

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Presidential Nominations, Book Update, and More

It appears that the Republican race for the Presidential nomination is beginning to firm up, with three strong candidates emerging...

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Network Solutions Book Update

We have begun to receive detailed feedback on the Network Solutions book manuscript from the members of our red team. I believe th...

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