Dr. J. Robert Beyster’s Blogs

dr j. beysters blog

Internet Security, Alaska Petroleum Reserve, and Michigan Film Tax Credit

There have been several topics in the news recently that have caught my attention. I wonder if they have caught your attention, to...

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Network Solutions Book Update and FED Awards

The good news this week is that the Network Solutions book manuscript is going out on Friday to our red team for review. My unders...

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A move to Facebook?

While working on the manuscript for the book on Network Solutions, I have been reading many articles on social networking. In part...

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Halloween and Network Solutions Book Update

Last week was a good week for me. Halloween was particularly notable. We had many visitors on Sunday evening -- we live right next...

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Fall Trip to the East and Economic Recovery

In addition to my usual routine, Ralph and I and others have been giving some thought to a trip East. We are making plans to go to...

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Network Solutions Book Update

We continue to make progress on the Network Solutions book. The draft manuscript is currently at the 50% mark and we should have a...

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