As I look back over the year 2012, there was both good news and bad. First the bad news. The candidate I wanted to win the Pres...
Dr. J. Robert Beyster’s Blogs

Book Updates and Christmas Plans
As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago on this blog, I am currently working on the second edition of The SAIC Solution. One of thing...
Presidential Election and an Article on SAIC
Well, the Presidential election is now just hours away from taking place and from what I gather, each side is both worried and hop...
Reaction to Planned Breakup of SAIC
I would like to thank all of the current and former SAIC employees who responded to my post last week on the planned breakup of th...
SAIC’s Restructuring, Republican Convention, and Sea World
I was surprised, as likely many of you were, by SAIC's announcement this past week about the company's plan to split into two inde...
November Elections and UCSD Chancellor’s Medal
I was interested to see that Newsweek magazine has apparently given up on President Barack Obama. You may have by now seen the cov...