Dr. J. Robert Beyster’s Blogs

dr j. beysters blog
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Bin Laden and Tornadoes

I am sure that you are as pleased as I am by the news that Osama bin Laden was killed early Monday in Pakistan by U.S. Navy SEAL s...

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Electronic Health Records and Beyster Professorship

I have been following in the news the Obama administration's progress on incentivizing hospitals, medical centers, and doctors to ...

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What’s On Your Mind?

Some of you may have heard that I was ill over the past month. I have been in and out of the hospital a couple times, but I think ...

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Municipal Bonds and Condo Development

This past week was a busy one for me. On Tuesday I had lunch with Peter Martin from UBS who hosted a lunch talk about municipal bo...

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Jordan Becker, KPBS, and Thanksgiving

Last Tuesday the 16th I met with Jordan Becker, an outstanding individual who worked at SAIC for more than 10 years. Jordan is an ...

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Fall Trip to the East and Economic Recovery

In addition to my usual routine, Ralph and I and others have been giving some thought to a trip East. We are making plans to go to...

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