We continue to make progress on the Network Solutions book. The draft manuscript is currently at the 50% mark and we should have a...
Dr. J. Robert Beyster’s Blogs

National Intelligence Infrastructure and Motoring to Catalina
Many of you have probably seen Monday's Washington Post article on the current state of our national intelligence infrastructure. ...
Car Bombs, Oil Leaks, and Working on the Book
I thought the days of car bombs in this country were over. So I was surprised to learn of the failed car bomb in Times Square this...
Starting Work on the Network Solutions Book
This week we are officially starting work on the Network Solutions book. We have much material from interviews and articles accumu...
Network Solutions Book: Next Steps
As most of you probably know, this is not the best time to publish a new book. The industry is in tough shape and publishers are l...
A Long-Term Energy Solution (Part 3 of 3)
In this third and final part of my series on a long-term energy solution for our nation (see also Part 1 and Part 2), I take an in...