Update on Book Projects

I thought now might be a good time to bring everyone up to date on our book projects. We have completed the writing phase of the book on Network Solutions that I am working on with my coauthor Mike Daniels. We are currently tying up loose ends on that project, and it should be ready to send to the publisher within another couple of months.

As you know, I am also working now on the second edition of The SAIC Solution. I am planning to make some major changes to the book, specifically in the chapter on the role of the SAIC board of directors while I was still with the company, and the chapter on the future of employee ownership.

We are also going to take the opportunity to make some other updates, including charts of the performance of SAIC’s stock from the beginning to today and additional details about my life before SAIC. If you have any input or corrections to the book, please let me know.

I expect to have the writing phase of the book completed within the next month and I would like to hear from you soon. I believe the second edition of The SAIC Solution will be published sometime in spring 2013.

We will of course let everyone know here on my blog and on the FED site when the books are available.

— Bob